Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Warner Music and R.E.M. wrongfully accuses Danish band, Hej Matematik, of stealing song

Warner Music keeps digging its own grave by wrongfully removing music on the internet. (Some of many youtube users protest videos.)
This time R.E.M. accuses Danish band, Hej Matematik, of stealing from the song Supernatural Superserious in their hit in Danish Walkmand. Hej Matematik's song has been removed from Youtube with the following message from Youtube:
A copyright owner has claimed it owns some or all of the audio content in your video "Walkmand - Hej Matematik". The audio content identified in your video is Supernatural Superserious by R.E.M.. We regret to inform you that your video has been blocked from playback due to a music rights issue.
Is it a deaf machine who has done this comparison??

Has this song... (Hej Matematik - Walkmand)

... stolen anything from this song? (R.E.M - Supernatural Superserious)

No, that is so far off!
In fact the chorus is taken from this old Danish song, Walk, mand, from 1981:

Wait, does this mean that REM actually has stolen from the old Michael Hardinger song? Sue them, Michael!

All in all, it's so sad, Warner Music, so sad!


  1. I think I will....
    Michael Hardinger
    Austin, Texas.

  2. This is just hillarious....
    I cannot comment on past Warner Music efforts to block legitimate artists/tracks but this must top it all!
    I want the tune back on the net!
    For a moment, when I heard it, I thought (as a joke) that Hardinger should file legal charges back at Warner. Now that I think about it... team up with H.M. and sue them back :-)... really!

  3. I think I will....
    Michael Hardinger
    Austin, Texas.
